
Sunday, April 10, 2016

Thinking About... April Book Challenge Day 10

10. Shelfie

Today's prompt is Shelfie! This is a picture of part of my family's many book shelves, but these would be the books that I may have read the most :). I don't really have a book shelf in my room except for the books that I keep laying around.

Do you recognize any of these books? Which ones?
Have a great Sunday!
"A year from now, everything you're stressing about won't even matter." -Unknown Author


  1. Oh! I spy... is that Andi Carter? Oh man, I need to reread those. So great.

    Also, Eragon and Inheritance are on my TBR, I think. So many people have recommended the Inheritance Cycle to me lately. Have you read them? If so, thoughts?

    Great post! I loved it :)

    1. Yes! Andi Carter books. They are so amazing :D. I've never read the Inheritance series but my sister has and she loved them!
      I'm glad you enjoyed this post! Thanks for commenting!
