
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Thinking About... Sketches!

Hey everybody! Here is a sketch I drew last night for the blog. It was just out of my imagination, though I do have a dog who looks very similar to this one :).
"My dog does this amazing thing where he just exists and makes my whole life better because of it." -Anonymous
 I have two dogs who definitely make my whole life better:)!
 Do you have any pets?
And if so what kind?
Have a wonderful day!


  1. Love the picture! AUGH! It is amazing! You're a great artist. I'm terrible at art so I love seeing other people's talent for it. :)

    I have a LOT of pets. At least my family does, I do as well. We have thirteen hens (they're pretty much all mine), a chinchilla (belongs to my sister), four cats (one of them is mine), and two horses. (One of them is also mine.)

    Grand total of pets for me: fifteen. Thirteen hens, one cat and a horse. :) And I wonder why Mom doesn't let me have that parrot I want so bad... or the goat, or turkey, or pony, or...

    Loved your art! Thanks for posting!

    1. Oh my! That is a lot of pets :)! It seems like a lot of work but tons of fun. :) I've never had any large animals like a horse, but I bet they are great animals. Thank you for your kind words, I love to draw. Drawing with pencils works best for me, I'm always afraid that if I color it in, I'll ruin something :) Lol! Thanks for your comment! Have a great rest of your day!

  2. Very good picture, Your dog is so cute ;) I have two dogs and three cats and my sister has five fish ;) But she doesn't in home, so I must take care of them... I hope that they will survive ;P. For two weeks Is very hot (Everywhere in Poland is about 35 C), so I have to change water every day beacuse the water should be colder.

    Have great day ;)
    Pudełko w piwnicy

    1. That is very hot! It has been hot where I live also. It is nice of you to take care of your sister's fish while she is gone. I had fish for a while; they are fun to watch swimming around. I went to an aquarium last week and saw lots of beautiful fish :). They are really interesting! Cats seem like a lot of fun, though I've never had one. My family has mainly owned dogs :).
      Thanks for commenting!
      Have a great day also!
