
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thinking About... Here Come the Brides

This is going to be so much fun! "Here Come the Brides" is my favorite show, ever! It is set in Seattle, Washington when it was only a territory. The small town, at the time of the show, consisted of the Bolts logging camp, Stemple's Mill, and Lottie's Saloon. Due to a shortage of marriageable girls, the Bolt brothers are forced to travel to New England to bring back 100 brides for their lonely loggers. Each episode shows the struggles of life with all these small town colorful characters.

The main characters:

    Jason Bolt

   Joshua Bolt

   Jeremy Bolt
Aaron Stemple
Candy Pruitt
The three Bolt brothers
Jeremy, Lottie, and Joshua.
The Bolt brothers again:)
Eating lunch at the logging camp.
I love this photo! One child for each brother:)
Group photo!
Captain Clancy and Jeremy.
Bittie and Candy.
 Beginning theme song!

 Hope you all enjoyed! Be sure to check out the other "Here Come the
 Brides" video in the last post. (I couldn't get the video in this post:)

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