
Monday, April 28, 2014

Thinking About... Quotes

  I always like to find new quotes! I usually always check a website called brainyquote. I love this website! Here is the link:




A portrait is a painting with something wrong with the mouth.









Thanks for reading!
Follow, and comment on which is your favorite quote!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Thinking About... Terrariums

So, for school, I'm going to write a process paper on terrariums. I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of terrariums, and a how-to video! Also, at the bottom of the page, there are a couple funny pictures from pintrest! I hope you enjoy!

    Here we go!

A simple succulent terrarium.



This one is a beach house inspired terrarium!

Another succulent terrarium in a fancy bowl.


It is Billbo Baggins' home!

For some reason this one reminded me of Christmas! I think it is the pinecone at the top! ☺

Here is a how to video on terrariums! I thought it was creative how they made the video, and it was short, which I liked!
 Pintrest Pictures:
 Funny Pictures Of The Day – 64 Pics
I feel bad for the person who put up this fence. What were they thinking? ☺
Steven Humour: Funny Pictures - 23 Pics
Lol! I love SpongeBob and Patrick! 
You Eat - You Go Home! Lol!
Funny Pictures Of The Day – 90 Pics
This is so true! I love it!
Humourous (no longer) a Church sign says it all - enough is enough, so "Would whoever is praying for #snow, please stop!"
Please stop☺
Hope you enjoyed!